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Serious Sam Interview

Doom Center hat mal mit den Leuten von Croteam geplaudert (engl), die erst kürzlich das Actionspektakel Serious Sam veröffentlicht haben.

The gameplay in SS is what are we most proud of, the levels are big, you can't get stuck on walls or miss doors, you can't get lost in zillions of corridors and the same rooms. Another thing that was important to us (and gaming community) was the rebirth of cooperative play, we remember days of coop Pheenix and Scrambler on arcade machines. Cooperative multiplay is even more fun than Single play, with tweaks to monsters' strenght, speed and ammo, you are presented with nonstop action, running around watching your friends riding werebulls again or getting trashed by Biomech's rockets. It's an adrenaline rushing experience, and sometimes you are laughing seeing what happened to your mates, and sometimes you are angry 'cause you got few rockets in the back. Serious Sam is serious fun.

22.04.2001, 02:15 [Joe]

Serious Sam Interview - News