Fallout Tactics Diary
Bei RPGVault gibt es ein Tagebuch (engl) von den Entwicklern der genialen Falloutreihe.
Probe vielleicht:
We have a couple of designers here at 14° East working on the game. Dan Levin's main job is translating Australian to American English. I do whatever, which usually involves something painful for Micro-Forté. And the Interplay Audio Department is hard at work on the game. Interplay also handles QA, sales, marketing, distribution and all the other typical publisher tasks. We'll also be handling localizing the text to other languages, by using outside contractors in addition to our own in-house staff, but Micro-Forté will actually implement the localized changes for the European editions.
13.01.2001, 00:48 [Joe][1038 PI]
Dienstag - 07. Juni 2011
Dienstag - 17. Mai 2011
Montag - 16. Mai 2011
Dienstag - 26. April 2011
12:09 Portal 2
Viertes Gel hat es nicht geschafft
11:56 Battlefield 3
EA dementiert Demo
11:30 World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Patch 4.1 schon am Mittwoch?
Montag - 25. April 2011
Sonntag - 17. April 2011
Mittwoch - 28. Juli 2010
04:15 Wallace & Gromit
Start-Episode "Urlaub unter Tage" im Handel
04:07 Alan Wake
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