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Jobs in der Branche: Raven Software

Heute mal auf englisch, denn Ihr müsst ja auch auf englisch schreiben, wenn Euch diese Stellenannonce interessiert:

The following positions have recently opened at Raven Software:

Console Tech Programmer:

Raven Software is seeking a talented programmer to play an important role in a triple-A console title currently in development. We are looking for an experienced technology guru who can integrate with a capable development team and make a great game even better. Responsibilities include working with technology designed to work cross-platform for the Playstation 2, Gamecube and Xbox.

The ideal candidate would have:

--Minimum of five years of programming experience in game development or real-time graphics applications, with at least two shipped products.

--Full mastery of C++ and working with as well as creating object-oriented systems.

--Excellent oral and written communications skills.

--Proven technical expertise with at least one console platform such as Playstation 2, Xbox or Gamecube.

Additional strong assets:

--Bachelor's Degree or better in Computer Science, Engineering, or Mathematics.

--Experience and comfort with low-level assembly and hardware API's.

--Skills with cutting-edge graphics work such as advanced rendering techniques, animation, or optimization.

--Previous experience with developing a cross-platform product.

--Experience with game-oriented graphics technology such as Renderware, Intrinsic Alchemy, or NetImmerse.

Character and Combat Programmer:

Raven Software is seeking an inspired programmer to help refine a triple-A console title currently in development. We are looking for a game coder with a keen eye who can take a game character and hone the look and feel of movement and hand-to-hand combat to perfection. Responsibilities include working with and fleshing out an established game design and working directly with an animator in creating the proper moves.

The ideal candidate would have:

--Minimum of four years of programming experience in game development, with at least two shipped products.

--Full mastery of C++ and working with object-oriented systems.

--Excellent oral and written communications skills.

--Experience with implementation of character animation and control in a previous game product.

Additional strong assets:

--Proven experience with at least one console platform such as Playstation 2, Xbox or Gamecube.

--Previous experience with developing a cross-platform product.

--Strong passion for console games, including fighting games and action RPG's.

--Knowledge of and/or passion for martial arts or cinematic-style fighting.

Game Programmer:

Raven Software is seeking an enthusiastic programmer to assist in the completion of a triple-A console title currently in development. We are looking for a self-driven game coder who can integrate with a strong, experienced programming team and help make a game the best it can be. Responsibilities include taking on specific game systems and seeing them to completion without constant supervision.

The ideal candidate would have:

--Minimum of two years of programming experience in game development or in another professional environment.

--Strong grasp of C++ and object-oriented systems.

--Excellent oral and written communications skills.

--At least one shipped game product or completed independent game project, such as a demo or mod.

Additional strong assets:

--Previous experience with developing a cross-platform product.

--Strong interest in console games, including fighting games and action RPG's.

--Experience with character motion or game character AI.

--Strong knowledge of mathematics and physics.

--Demonstrable drive to work on a major game product.

These positions are available to be filled as soon as the proper candidate is selected. They are full-time positions that require relocation to Raven Software offices located in Madison, Wisconsin.

Please send inquiries to programming@ravensoft.com or to:

Raven Software
Three Point Place, Suite 1
Madison, WI 53719
Attn: Michael Crowns
Viel Erfolg!

20.12.2002, 00:31 [Ubi]