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DirectX 8

Auch bei CGO wird mal die neue DirectX Version (engl) genauer beleuchtet und als wichtig eingestuft.

Hier mal ein Ausschnitt:
...DirectX 8 is the most significant leap in the DirectX API in years—maybe ever. The creation of a large-scale API like DirectX requires a fine balance between providing what software developers want, what hardware manufacturers want, and taking a leadership position to move the industry forward. It's too early to tell whether or not Microsoft got the balance right. Developers have had access to DirectX 8 in beta form for maybe half a year or so, and it will probably be another half year before games are released that really take advantage of all the new features. The features are certainly exciting, though. A standard for programmable video cards is an absolutely huge leap in PC graphics that we'll see the benefits of once developers start to get their hands on DirectX 8 compliant video cards. Improved sound, music, and networking functions have been a long time coming, as has an easy-to-implement voice communication feature...

27.12.2000, 14:17 [Joe]

DirectX 8 - News
