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One Must Fall: Battle Grounds Interview

Endlich mal wieder ein Prügelspiel. Lange musste man warten, bis ein neuer Stern am Himmel des Genres erschien. Doch OMF nähert sich der Fertigstellung und so interviewte HomeLAN noch ein mal die Entwickler (engl)

Fighting games have been very popular in both video arcades and on consoles but the few PC fighting games have not been critical or sales successes. Diversions Entertainment hopes to remedy that with One Must Fall: Battlegrounds. Their big robot fighting game will attempt to do what other PC fighting games have not: Be a good solid fighting game while using the PC platform to try out game features that are unknown on consoles. HomeLAN got to chat with Diversions' sound and music man and PR rep Saul Bottcher about the game, which is currently seeking a publisher.

HomeLAN - First, why do you think One Must Fall: Battlegrounds will succeed when other fighting games on the PC have failed?

Saul Bottcher - Battlegrounds takes a new approach to the fighting-game genre. We've got a one-two combination that makes our gameplay unique:

#1 - The game uses internet multiplayer: you could have a 5-player free-for-all, or a 2-on-2 team match. The number of simultaneous players is limited only by your hardware. You can browse servers and pick the game of your choice at any time of day.

#2 - The game is truly 3D: you have full freedom of movement at all times, without pressing any "free-move" buttons. You aren't locked into facing your opponent. You can circle behind them, run for a power-up, and try to get the best tactical position in the arena.

These two differences seperate Battlegrounds from most other fighting games. On top of this we've added a lot of new gameplay modes - it's not just "fight to the death". This should appeal to PC players who are used to FPS games that are internet-multiplayer, 3D, and include a lot of gameplay variations.

28.08.2001, 14:50 [Joe]