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Dungeon Siege Interview

Auf PlanetDungeonSiege gibt es ein Interview (engl) mit den Machern (Gas Powered Games) von DS, einem Haudraufrollenspiel.

MikHaven: Hey Loefer, hmmmm who are you though, sorry I'm not down with all the names yet! GPG-Loefer: MikHaven, I'm James Loe, engine guy. 3d tech, terrain engine, sound, pathing, that kind of stuff.

*** GPG-CornFedHog has joined #PlanetDS Guttyr_PDS: CornFedHog = Eric Tams - Siege FX MASTER and other anomalous activities

Guttyr_PDS: So, Loefer, what did u work on today? GPG-Loefer: Alpha sort, elevators, and some lighting. Mainly bug fixes. GPG-CornFedHog: yeah, Loefer fixed all of the stuff I broke with my funky elevator skrits today.

Guttyr_PDS: LOL CFH, How about you Kwandao? GPG-Kwandao: actually, today I've mostly been playing the game ( and a little bit of SE stuff ) * Guttyr_PDS turns green with envy GPG-CornFedHog: It's fun :)

27.08.2001, 12:32 [Joe]

Dungeon Siege Interview - News