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Auf PC.IGN gibt es noch eine Preview (engl). Diesmal aber zu Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty. Dark Majesty ist nun das ExpSet zu dem oft gespielten OnlineRPG und wird einige Neue Landschaften und andere Überraschungen haben.

We started off with houses. One of my biggest gripes with AC was the lack of a domestic feel. It seemed to always be a bunch of warriors inhabiting a world without bedrooms. While the meat of the game is in the story line and combat, it is nice to have a place to hang your hat, or the mystical sword you took off the dead body of your enemy. Well, AC:DM solves that above and beyond what you would expect. Scattered through out the world are housing communities, with preset houses built into the landscape. There are three sizes of house, with variations and designs based on the game world. The different levels of domiciles are small cottages, larger villas, and best of all, sweeping and gorgeous mansions, so immense that it took us a good three minutes to find the tower once inside. Due to the upkeep required, these are probably going to used only by large groups or clans. Each one of the house styles has their own amount of storage and some other fun features.

23.08.2001, 06:19 [Joe]

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