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Team Factor Interview

Auf GamersPress gibt es jetzt ein Interview (engl) mit den Machern von Team Factor, einem strategischen Action Shooter. Das Team 7FX ist aus unserem Nachbarstaat dem der Tschechen und es scheint so, dass sie da ein richtig gutes Spiel in der Mache haben.

GP: After the recent success of Serious Sam by another Eastern European developing company, the pressure must be on the 7fx to make something great. Does the pressure ever make them want to just curl up in bed with a gigantic plate of chocolate chip cookies and pig out?

Rather than Serious Sam I would love to mention another czech developed title Operation Flashpoint. Actually seeing that success gives even more drive and desire to us for finnishing Team Factor inthe best shape as soon as possible - we want to see other people play it and love it! :)

13.08.2001, 11:54 [Joe]