Ghost Recon Preview
Ihr wisst nicht was Ghost Recon ist? Na das ist aber schlecht, aber ich erzähl es euch. Das Spiel ist eine Art Action/Strategiemix und wird Rainbow Six ähneln, jedoch angeblich noch viel größer und besser sein. Und falls ihr jetzt noch genauere Infos wollt, dann schaut euch doch mal die Preview bei PC.IGN an.
Lead Designer Brian Upton had actually begun talking about this game about two years ago and started serious work on it a few months after that. Brian saw little reason to try to improve on SWAT 3's model and decided instead to opt for a more military approach for this new game. But that wasn't the only consideration; Brian explained to us that "the more police like you become, the more rules you have to follow." Police aren't often involved in the really intense combats that he wanted to depict. A police game that did capitalize on the real excitement of police work would have to focus on procedure more than twitch oriented action.
07.08.2001, 07:43 [Joe][805 PI]
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