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Legends of Might and Magic Review

Das Counter-Strike im Fantasygewand von LithTech wurde nun bei VE unter die Lupe (engl) genommen.

LoMM is described as a multiplayer team-based medieval combat game – they got the multiplayer and combat part right at least. The game copies Counterstrike’s formula verbatim – there are two teams, Good and Evil. Before each round starts there is the option to buy weapons and armor from the money that has been earned from either winning or losing the previous round.

Each side has three classes. Good has the Paladin, the Druid, and the Sorceress – Evil has the Warrior, the Heretic, and the Archer. While the prospects of have six different classes may seem good, the reality of the situation is that the classes are all virtually the same. Except for the super-weapons, of which each class has its own, all the classes can use the same weapons. The super-weapons are so damn expensive by the time you can afford one, the match will be nearing an end.

13.07.2001, 14:08 [Joe]