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Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon Interview

Bei G-Spy gibt es ein Interview (engl) mit Charles Cecil von Revolution Software zu Broken Sword 3.

GameSpy:The concept art you released has attracted an amazing amount of discussion. How aware are you of the fans' opinions? How will you react to them?

Charles Cecil: We listen very carefully to our fans, and we've read as much as we can. Obviously we can't accommodate those with extreme views -- those that are vehement about George and Nico not changing at all, or that The Sleeping Dragon should be a direct extension of the previous games, with a straightforward point and click interface -- but, as I've said before, we'll do our best to keep everyone happy. We've two main goals with The Sleeping Dragon -- to continue the adventures of George and Nico, yet to do so in a way which pushes the adventure genre further. Until we can reveal more about the way the game will play and the situations gamers will find themselves in, all I'd ask is that our fans put some trust in us.

23.04.2001, 14:36 [Joe]