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Duke Nukem Forever Infos

Auf VE wurden wieder einmal ein paar Infobits (engl) zu Duke Nukem Forever aus den Foren zusammen getragen:

On GeForce 3 optimizations and more:

No promises, but on the GF3 you can do things like refraction fairly easily. It's entirely possible new graphics features like that will make it in. [...] We're about 1-2 weeks away from being feature complete in D3D, so once that's done, the only thing left is further optimization and adding new card features. [...] Let me clarify. I misued feature complete in my rush to post. We'll be feature complete to where we were in Glide and actually a good bit past it. I mean that all our current features will work in D3D as they are supposed to. From there we will just add new 3D card features or optimize. We won't be feature complete on the "game" for a good bit, but we are getting close. We're all really excited to get past the video and then get into "finish" mode for the game. [...]The rest of the game isn't done. So the tech coders have time to add new visuals. Certainly we don't add stuff that takes too long, or will adversly affect the game getting done. You just have to trust us on this one.

23.04.2001, 02:06 [Joe]

Duke Nukem Forever Infos - News