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Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force AddOn Shots und Interview

Zum dem AddOn gibt es einmal bei GA-Source ein paar Shots und zum anderen auch ein Interview (engl) auf DRadar.

Hier der Saft:

DR: What about new weapons or player models? Any chances of a scantily clad Tasha Yar included this time?

KH: We've added a Federation Tricorder to the tour mode section of the Expansion Pack, as well as a new weapon... the Captain Proton Pistol. The Captain Proton Holo-Mission brings with it a host of new characters for single-player and multiplayer, including Captain Proton, Buster, Dr. Chaotica, Constance Goodheart, Satan's Robot and Chaotica Guards. No Tasha Yar, though. You'll have to settle for Janeway, Torres and Tuvok as Borg from the season premiere.

01.03.2001, 03:48 [Joe]