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Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2...

Wie aus dem Forum von Planet Wolfenstein hervorgeht soll sich Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2 bereits in der Entwicklung befinden.

"In a feature on Doom 3 on Pulse (the G4Tech TV show), Todd Hollenshead confirmed that RTCW2 is in development at another studio. There was no mention of the engine it would be on, but i'm guessing the Doom 3 one will be most likely. This was posted over at the GameSpy forums, and a member from #planetdoom IRC on GameSurge who was watching Pulse said the announcement was correct."

Das kurze Videointerview, in dem id CEO Todd Hollenshead die Entwicklung bestätigt hat die Fansite ebenfalls parat. Der Shooter soll mit der Doom 3 Engine auftrumpfen können.

19.07.2004, 11:13 [Andreas Kunert]