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Outlive Preview

Hi Freunde, wie ihr wisst (vielleicht) ist hier grad Morgen und nach Gestern Nacht "Good Will Hunting" geht's mir besser.
Jedenfalls gibt's wieder Neues aus der Spielelandschaft. So ein Preview (engl) zu Outlive einem Stratgame von Take Two.
Doch hier mal die genaue Beschreibung:

At first glance Outlive looks like and plays like just about any other real-time strategy game. This upcoming title has the typical "hell-on-earth" war zones, and once again you'll command one of two diametrically opposed powers that are destined to fight until only one is left standing. Battle weary humans—who had already been fighting amongst themselves—face off against a newly formed race of robots in a war that sounds reminiscent of the back-story in the films The Terminator and The Matrix. Ruined cities and a desolate landscape will therefore be the backdrop and will serve as your field of operation.

Once again you'll build your bases, harvest both iron and uranium to gain credits to create units, which you'll then send out to destroy the enemy. In this regard Outlive could be compared to literally dozens of other real-time strategy games—many of which are best forgotten. However, the Brazilian developers at Continuum Entertainment obviously knew that to create a state-of-art RTS title they had to borrow the best elements from previous hit titles while also taking the game in a new direction.

14.02.2001, 16:29 [Joe]