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Third Law Interview

Auf Fragland.net gibt es ein Interview (engl) mit den Machern von KISS.
Ein bisschen Krappon:

2. Could you spare some info on your next game ?

Jonathan :We are in the final stages of completing the contract for our next game. We are literally days away from getting it finalized. Because of the way business deals work, that's about all I can say for now. While we've been working through the rigors of getting a major contract signed we've been working on some smaller products. In general the larger publishers operate on a different schedule than the independent developers that produce games for them, so we have to find ways to "entertain" ourselves while the publishers grind through the paper work required to fund a large project. In November and December Third Law made a budget title for Valusoft called "WWII: Normandy" that is hitting the shelves as I write this. We've also got a few other things up our sleeves. We've found the best way to survive in this industry is to keep as many things going simultaneuosly as is possible.

13.02.2001, 02:17 [Joe]