DerangedRaid Demo
Eine Demo (engl) zu dem etwas unbekannten Fliegerspiel gibt es bei 3DFiles.
Hier mal ne Def.:
DerangedRaid is a Flight-Simulation / Real Time Strategy genre mix game. Basically, the game involves 2 teams fighting each other in different types of fighter planes (and in the near future: tanks). Players can mine resources and spend them on various buildings (just like in C&C). The goal is to destroy the enemy command center while protecting your own. In this version, only singleplayer is available by the means of a rudimentary pilot AI to fight against. Massive-multiplayer capabilities will be added in the very near future. Deranged Raid makes extensive use of OpenGL, and needs a good graphics accelerator (like GeForce), at least 16 Megs of Video RAM, and a 400MHz CPU. It contains an Auto-Update functionality and will keep itself up-to-date by downloading new weapons, ships, buildings and other gameplay elements from the internet as they become available. Soundtrack is included in form of MP3-files. The player can copy his own favourite MP3s into the music subdirectory to have the game use these files, so there's also no need to run winamp in the background.
12.02.2001, 14:08 [Joe][1370 PI]
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