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C&C Renegade

Westwood hat mal ein Seitenupdate durchgeführt und dabei ein Interview (engl) gleich mit hoch geladen, was vor allem auf die Fortschritte ein geht. Na hoffentlich wird das besser als der letzte C&C Kram!
Hier mal ein bisschen, für deine müden Augen:

3. What are some of the multiplayer features you've added so we can shame our buddies over the Internet?

We support all the standard modes of play: deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, etc. Some of these modes will have a special C&C flavor to them. For example, we have a "capture the Mobius" mode where Dr. Mobius is used instead of a flag. In addition, the single player missions will have a co-op capability so a friend can help you complete your objectives. Lastly, we're working on a very special multiplayer mode that we're all really excited about. I can't tell you much here, but I will tell you that it is our special salute to C&C and we think everyone is going to be very excited about it. More to come on that later...

10.02.2001, 02:57 [Joe]

C&C Renegade - News