Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Patch v1.10 (download)
Ubisofts Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter erfährt mit diesem Patch ein Update auf die Version 1.10. Hierbei handelt es sich um den Patch für die Download-Version des Spiels.
- Numerous HUD fixes to prevent issues with cameras, inventory screens and resupply. - Animation and lighting fixes for various objects. - Fixed general synchronization problems in Cooperative and Domination modes. - Destructible objects are correctly reset when restarting rounds in multiplayer. - Issues causing user disconnects in multiplayer have been found and fixed. - You can no longer remain invisible and kill players using grenades. - Fixed crash that could occur after restarting rounds on Avenues map. - Player can no longer spawn dead or remain living when the round restarts. - Zone glitches on two multiplayer maps corrected. - Game no longer crashes while attempting to open inventory out of Dom zone. - Helicopters will no longer fall down in certain situations. - Cooperative objective waypoints correctly appear after spawning into an AI ghost. - Domination statistics have been adjusted. - GRAW will no longer run as process priority "High", resolving keyboard problems.
Aufgrund begrenzter technischen Kapazitäten im Rahmen des Serverwechsels stehen die nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
erstellt am:
25.05.2006, 13:34
28.27 MB (29639358 Byte)
9.74 GB
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